Save 20% on ServiceCare Maintenance Packages.

Enjoy 20% savings on two, four, or six services*.

Keep your Van performing at its best for less.

Sign up for ServiceCare today and save 20% on two, four or six services.* Choose your payment method, either upfront or spread over 12-24 months, and we'll take care of the rest.

Sign up for ServiceCare today at eStar or contact us using the form below.

No of ServicesSpring Savings Upfront Price12 Months (Price Per Month)24 Months (Price Per Month)



Plus, Mercedes‑Benz MobiloVan** cover at no extra cost.

Get expert help in case of a breakdown or emergency from our qualified technicians across Europe.

More powerful reasons to choose ServiceCare:

  • GenuineParts and Labour, guaranteed for two years.
  • Expert technicians with unparalleled Mercedes-Benz training, skills and knowledge.
  • Extensive Dealer network with extended (if not 24hr) business opening hours.
  • Flexible Service Options, from mobile to overnight services.
  • Inflation-proof, protecting you from future price increases.
*Savings can be applied to the purchase of all Two, Four and Six Services for Citan (auto and manual), Sprinter (manual transmission) and Vito (Manual transmission), ages 3-15 years from the registration date. Valid from 4 March to 30 April 2025. All prices exclude VAT. Excludes all X-Class models, motorhomes, and V6 engine variants. The 20% savings is against the RRP for standard ServiceCare Maintenance prices. This offer covers 1 x A service and 1 x B service on two service offer, 2 x A service and 2 x B service on four service offer, 3 x A service and 3 x B service on Six Service offer. Pollon filter and brake fluid included. Offer is applicable to UK mainland only. Please speak to a Mercedes-Benz Authorised Repairer for more information. This offer is not applicable with an existing/activated service plan in place.

For a full list of exclusions and all product terms please visit

**Free for 3 years initially and renewed at each service. If serviced by Mercedes-Benz according to service intervals for up to 30 years from when the vehicle was first registered. For a full list of exclusions and all product terms please download our MobiloVan brochure and MobiloVan exclusions.